About The Website
This website offers food for thought that may help people improve their understanding of themselves and their communication. It has been developed over many years from Lance Beste’s experiences, observations, research, and his own personal journey through the many offerings within the personal growth industry.
Lance is retired but he decided to change his website from business to information only, so that anybody might gain from his experience through the articles that have been developed over time.
Please enjoy. Feel free to suggest changes, present different perspectives, or ask questions through the contact page. Please let me know if you are happy to have your comments published. I have complete discretion on what will be published. Your contact details will never be published.

About Lance Beste
Lance spent years delving into people’s communication issues and his own self-development.
People experience him in so many different ways. One person said, “It took a while to warm to Lance. And when I did he helped someone motivate himself who thought he needed no help”.
Lance spent 20 years in the computer industry across three continents, working with diverse cultures. He was responsible for IT with one of New Zealand’s largest organizations.
He has more than 30 years’ experience successfully coaching, mentoring, facilitating and teambuilding for a wide range of clients. From individuals and small businesses to major international organizations.
In addition, he invented Attitude Express©, a gamified tool that promotes open communication and identifies issues in the workplace in a constructive and non- confrontation way.
Moreover, he successfully facilitated two workshops, “Communicate and Be Heard” and “Break Through Your Communication Barriers” for over 15 years nationally and internationally with amazing evaluation scores.
One company director said, “A day was almost too short to gain a thorough understanding of the breadth and depth of Lance’s knowledge and experience”.